a woman struggling with falling asleep

What Is the Connection Between Sleep and Psychosis?

Everyone knows that not getting enough sleep, or having their sleep disturbed, can have many different affects. Irritability, difficulty concentrating, drowsiness, and memory issues are all common side effects of low-quality, insufficient sleep. In a previous blog post, we looked at the connection between insomnia and depression. However, a lack of sleep has also been linked

cancer mental health treatment

Three Ways Cancer and Mental Health Complicate Each Other

Cancer can be a devastating, life-changing diagnosis that can cause mental and emotional distress. In fact, about one-third of cancer patients experience mental health disorders, including mood disorders, anxiety, and depression. Let’s look at some connections between cancer and mental health that behavioral health providers should be aware of. This can help prepare behavioral health clinicians to

eating disorders and social media

What’s the Connection Between Social Media and Eating Disorders?

Research indicates that higher social media use among teens increases the risk of developing an eating disorder. An Australian study, published in late 2019 in the International Journal of Eating Disorders, looked at nearly 1,000 middle-school students and their use of Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, and Tumblr. Having more social media accounts was linked to higher scores for thoughts