a woman running outside

Author: Myles Nelson

There are a multitude of outdoor activities that contribute to a positive boost in mental health. Studies have shown that spending time outdoors can greatly reduce your symptoms of anxiety and depression. Psychiatrist Leela Magavi explains that consistent engagement in outdoor activities and experiences with nature lead to mental health improvements. Dr. Magavi also relates horticultural healing methods used during war for soldiers to similar outdoor activities that positively impact mental health. Despite its benefits, keep in mind that nature cannot replace medication management or therapy, but can be used as a supplement to heal trauma and anxiety-related disorders. 

So what are some outdoor activities you can engage in to positively impact your personal mental health?


Fishing allows plenty of opportunity for being outdoors and exploring nature. Here are some of the benefits:

  • A Renewed Focus: When fishing, your mind can concentrate on one thing-catching fish. Renewing focus allows the body to decompress while also stimulating the mind. Ultimately, you will see positive impacts on the body and mind.
  • Quiet Reflection: If you need an escape from the busyness and noise that constantly surrounds your everyday life, fishing is a great way to experience peace and quiet. Solitary seclusion on the water is the perfect chance for self-reflection, clear thinking, and introspection.
  • Physical Exercise: walking to your spot on the water, wading and casting all day long is a great form of physical exercise

Nature Walks

We all have busy lives and strenuous schedules but even a 5-10 minute walk outside can improve your mental health. Some of the benefits include

  • Mood boost
  • Improved attention
  • Reduced risk of further psychiatric decline
  • Lower stress
  • Physical activity

Exposure to sunlight and the outdoors increasing your vitamin D. Vitamin D has been linked to various different health benefits such as reduced depression and improved mood. It is also a great source to boost your immune system!

Outdoor Yoga

A combination of meditation and body movement outdoors enhances the body and mind connection. Yoga can be done just about anywhere with a flat surface and is one of the best practices for focusing on your breathing/calming your nervous system. Yoga is a great resource to improve physical and mental health because it can be done by just about everyone. Focused breathing teaching us how to self-regulate and live in the moment. Focusing on your breathing can improve your heart rate and ease anxieties. A combination of taking in the outdoor scenery and intentional breathing is a great way to boost your mental health. Those who are beginners or haven’t tried yoga yet, there are still options for you! YouTube is a great resource to learn beginner level yoga skills and also breathing/meditation exercises!