Same Day Counseling Services

A Body & Mind Health Services, LLC is offering same day counseling services throughout all locations in Idaho with our five locations and telemental health services available. Many individuals experience mental health symptoms such as anxiety, depression, isolation, family conflicts, and anger without any where to turn. Our team is ready to help you or anyone

Extreme Heat Can Take a Toll on Mental Health

New Research Adds to the Evidence on Heat Exposure and Mental Health In addition to the potentially serious physical health consequences, the extreme heat that much of the country is experiencing can also have significant impacts on mental health. Heat waves and extreme heat have been associated with a range of mental health impacts in

How Exercise Helps the Depressed Brain

Physical activity restores neuroplasticity and can reduce depressive symptoms. Posted August 5, 2021 |  Reviewed by Chloe Williams THE BASICS KEY POINTS Source: Rido/Shutterstock A recent study (Brüchle et al., 2021) from Ruhr-Universität Bochum’s Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy in Germany shows that a three-week physical activity intervention supports the remission of major depressive disorders (MDD) and normalizes long-term potentiation (LTP) neuroplasticity

May is Mental Health Awareness Month

Since 1949, May has been deemed Mental Health Month. It’s a time to spread the word that mental wellness is not only something everyone should care about, but a time to raise awareness, share stories, celebrate recovery and fight stigma. Mental wellness is essential to a person’s overall health. Mental Health Month also raises awareness of

Do AI and Behavioral Health have a future together?

Recent years have seen rapid advancements in artificial intelligence (AI), with AI programs, such as chatbots, becoming so advanced that they can often convincingly imitate human speech. How far can we take this technology? Does it have a future in more people-centric fields, such as behavioral health? Supporters suggest that behavioral health can use AI in