Coronavirus Concerns? Try our Telemental Health.

Coronavirus Concerns? Try our Telemental Health. A Body & Mind Health Services, LLC is committed to providing our clients and employees with the safest and healthiest environment possible.  We regularly disinfect and sterilize all therapy offices and the waiting area, but we understand you still might feel anxious about the COVID-19 Coronavirus. Please be aware


Martin Welke – Two-thirds of adults consider work to be the main cause of stress in their lives. In fact, Generation Z is experiencing poor mental health even before entering the workplace. This can have a knock-on effect that restricts creativity and their ability to perform at their best. But you can do something about it. The mind can’t

Suicide prevention hotline to have three-digit number for mental health emergencies: 988

Joel Shannon – A three-digit suicide prevention hotline number will soon make seeking emergency mental health help more like calling 911, federal regulators announced Thursday. When the months-long process is completed, U.S. residents will be able to call 988 for help in a mental health emergency, just as 911 connects people in need to first-responders for other emergencies. Currently, the National