Coronavirus Concerns? Try our Telemental Health.

A Body & Mind Health Services, LLC is committed to providing our clients and employees with the safest and healthiest environment possible.  We regularly disinfect and sterilize all therapy offices and the waiting area, but we understand you still might feel anxious about the COVID-19 Coronavirus.

Please be aware we are closely monitoring the situation and that we follow the guidelines and recommendations issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as well as our state government agencies.

If you are concerned about the Coronavirus, we encourage you to consider using our Telemental Health platform, which allows individuals to participate in therapy without leaving their home. All you need is an internet connection, a webcam, and a private room, and you can connect with our therapy team over a HIPAA compliant video chat. It’s like Skype, but for therapy.  

We can diagnose, consult, and provide treatment through this secure interactive audio and video technology. You get real-time communication with our counseling professionals from virtually anywhere in the world via your computer.

If you are interested or have questions about our Telemental health, please discuss with your therapist, the office manager, or call us today at 208-683-8320.